The Difference Between Religions Are Their Most Commonly Shared Trait
The difference between religions are their most commonly shared traits - all three of them.
They all agree that their final judgement is predicated on how you treated the least among you.
Big fat annual donations are helpful without rising to greatness. Daily activities tell us more.
How people act on a daily basis in uniformity with a group differs from group to group.
At the same time, the act of uniformity, the unanimity is identical with other groups.
So we know that working together succeeds. Religion illuminates differences.
The job of religious leaders is to identify and promote similarities in giving.
Common ground is required for every successful negotiation on earth.
Sideline those who invest so much time in highlighting differences.
They are the unproductive of society's unenlightened population,
often wrapped in the much too deceptive clothing of success.
Don't be fooled by facade. Observe their daily lifestyles.
Take refuge in knowing they just do not get it, at all.
They know not those happiest moments of giving.
They routinely confuse having with doing.
Take your pleasure and safisfaction in your today.
No feeling comes close to it; the sunshine of warm giving.
Whatever differences you may think you perceive with others,
you have never turned a profit on those differences. Look for like..
Most of your beliefs are based on someone's thoughts and observations.
Observations of a man, not the Architect of Everything, only a human being.
How tragic that you hold a low opinion of yourself, as to kowtow before others,
to literally surrender to mere words of a man that produce no benefit to any human.
The more you trust in your well-planned decisions, the closer you get to your fulfillment.
Thirdly, we can agree that each of the world's religions does command its adherents to learn.
To censor out all other points of view, similar or not, only deprives one of facts to refute with,
and, more unprofitably, it macerates our ability to accept newer and better information that works.
If you knew it so much better than anyone else, you'd be doing it so much better than anyone else, true?
You're invited to consider the actions, the repeated and effective actions of those around us who do it best.
Masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, because the horse's mouth is still the best source of wisdom.